Saturday, September 8, 2007

life back at home...

Well, life back at home. You know, I really love my family, I really do. Sometimes there are headaches, as with anything or anyone, but who would I be without my family. I love being home. I have been able to spend alot of time with my brothers that I wasn't able to do before. I was always gone before I left on the mission. When I got home, it was work and church. I was hardly ever home, and I couldn't do a whole lot with them. Now that I am home again, I still have a hard time doing things with them because they are all busy doing stuff everywhere else. School has started and they are in everything from football to drama to choir. Always gone. But I am looking forward to spending the next few months with them and having the priority be the family rather than everything else.

A large part of me moving home was so that I could get enough college credit to transfer back into BYU as an enrolled student rather than a visiting student or just a night class student. To be completely honest, I could have stayed in Utah and done the same thing. I was going back to fulltime work at 15 dollars an hour(which is pretty darn good for a college student in Provo) and I had a saturday job(that was just fun, I didn't really need that one) giving horse rides in Park City. I could have just taken a night class and then gotten the last three credits I needed to transfer. When my family decided not to move out to Utah, I felt very strongly that I needed to come home. To be completely honest, it is alot harder being home again than being on my own. I was just about to start doing really well financially for a college student and I was very comfortable where I was at. But, I felt that I really needed to come home. As it is, I am taking two classes(because that is all I can afford at the moment) and will be starting work again for DirectPointe as a Sales Associate on monday(finally a paycheck!). With this new job, there is a great potential for earning a lot of money. But if I am only in Texas until December, I will not have earned a whole lot. Anyway, my point is that it is working out. It was really, really hard for me the first two weeks being home because I could not get my job worked out, I had no income at all, and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get into classes. As it is now, things have worked themselves out. And it is looking like I will be back up in Utah sooner than I anticipated. Things have kinda taken an interesting twist. So, earning a lot of money with this new job will be very helpful. And reducing costs by moving home is going to help a lot as well.

Kristen came out to Texas to visit last weekend. We had an awesome time and she loved being here. We took a couple of pictures but this one beneath is my favorite. This was taken the morning that she flew home.

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