well, it has been a long time since i have written...or posted pics for that matter. i really need to get better at taking pics. i guess i could post the ones of my grandpa's 80th, i don't have the camera though. i think my parents have that one. i could get them i guess...someday. hopefully soon.
when i first started this blog, lindsey tried to convince me that i should try and write 100 things about myself and post it like she did on her blog. needlesstosay i was less than enthused about doing it. i didn't think i was interesting enough to have 100 interesting things about me. i still may do that someday, but now i want to do something similar but less time consuming and less brain racking.
Four things about me that you may or may not have known in no particular order.
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Milker at a dairy in Rexburg, ID
2. Lawnmower....also in ID
3. Pipe mover....once again, also in ID
4. Wrangler in Park City
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. White Christmas
2. Indianan jones
3. emporer's new groove
4. Pride and Prejudice(the five hour one)
Four places I have lived:
1. SoCal
2. Aurora, CO
3. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hertzegovena
4. Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. The office That's actually all!
Four places I have been on holiday:
1. Sugar City, ID
2. Fort Worth, TX
3. Ventura, CA
4. Goblin Valley, UT
People who e-mail me the most: Personal, not counting lame work emails (:
1. Dina Bula
2. Dad
3. Brianna
4. Lindsey
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Lasagna
2. Adobo
3. Burgers
4. Chips
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Somewhere else
2. In Utah
3. At BYU
4. ...married...
Four Favorite Books (we could just take this section out and it wouldn't hurt my feelings any)
1. Tennisshoes Among the Nephite series
2. Miracle of Forgiveness
3. The Scriptures
4. The Lord of the Rings series
Things I am looking forward to next year:
1. School!!!
2. Moving back to Utah
3. Getting wiser
4. Making new friends
so that is that. i will try to write more often.